There is Some Scary Teabagging Stuff Going On!

There is Some Scary Teabagging Stuff Going On! Despite most of our land receiving tax cuts we have these folks who say they are marching against Washington! Are they really just rallying against our President? Does the President’s hue have anything to do with the disdain that these folks now seem to have for the highest office in this land? Have many on the Right gone too far over the edge?

Simply Scary! Frightening even!

President Obama Was a Closer During the 2008 Election!

President Obama Was a Closer During the 2008 Election! Barack Obama made the choice in this election starkly clear in Norfolk VA on October 28, 2008.

Then Senator Barack Obama dispelled any notions of his not being able to close the deal during the final days of the 2008 Campaign!

Retro Moment Musings:Colin Powell’s Endorsement of Then Senator Obama Was Awesome!

Retro Moment Musings:Colin Powell’s Endorsement of Then Senator Obama Was Awesome! Barack Obama acknowledged the endorsement of Colin Powell at a rally in Fayetteville NC.

Campaign Flasback #2!

I am a bit nostalgic on this morning as I enjoy campaign flashback #2 for today! Bruce Springsteen’s long time coming is bellowing in the background!

Allow Me This 2008 Campaign Flashback!

Allow Me This 2008 Campaign Flashback! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was very chum during this sppech where he presidected a John McCain win!

Governor you were wrong!

Watch This 2008 Presidential Election Flasback!

Watch This 2008 Presidential Election Flasback! NBC News offers a retrospective of the historic 2008 race for the White House.

Roland Burris Says He is Ready For Washington!

Roland Burris Says He is Ready For Washington! Gov. Blagojevich’s pick for President-elect Obama’s vacated senate seat, Fmr. Ill. Attorney General Roland Burris, said he’s eager to get to work in Washington and stated he has no connection to the charges against Blagojevich.

Let’s pray that this brother is prepared to deliver on the national stage!