John McCain Responds to Sarah Palin’s Clothes’ Budget!

John McCain Responds to Sarah Palin’s Clothes’ Budget! The guy at The Young Turks.Com are at it again!

This was a foolish expenditure of Republican Campaign Funds! Vote for Obama/Biden and let Governor Palin go home to Alaska with all of her new threads! Who’s the elitist now?

Would the Soccer Moms/Joe Six-Pack Appreciate Palin’s Pricey Threads?

Would the Soccer Moms/Joe Six-Pack Appreciate Palin’s Pricey Threads? She may wish to portray a “Joe Six-Pack” persona to voters, but as Nancy Cordes reports, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has spent six figures on her wardrobe in the last 3 months.

So much for being a small town girl from Alaska! Talk about being insensitive! While people are losing their homes, well I won’t go there! Obama/Biden 08!

Enjoy this Moment of Truth With Rachel Maddow!

Enjoy this Moment of Truth With Rachel Maddow!

Obama/Biden will be the only wise choice to make this November!


Do You Believe that Sarah Palin Can Tell the Truth?

Do You Believe that Sarah Palin Can Tell the Truth? Governor Palin is definitely a truth stretcher in these clips!

Rachel Maddow is Awesome! Governor Palin seems to attack the truth with reckless abandon! I am stunned by Governor Palin’s belief that people will believe the horrible explanations that she gives when she is caught doing things that aren’t quite right! Once again I will plead with America to not let this lady get any where near the nuclear codes! Vote Obama/Biden!

Alaskan Women and Christians are Against Sarah Palin!

Alaskan Women and Christians are Against Sarah Palin! Seems like Sarah Baracuda needs to take care of some business at home doesn’t it?

Let’s send Governor Palin back home to Alaska so you can mend fences with some of these ladies! Vote Obama/Biden!

Sarah Palin Disputes Finding She Abused Power!

Sarah Palin Disputes Finding She Abused Power! Republican vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, defended her actions on Saturday after an Alaska ethics report concluded that she had abused her power as governor when firing a state official.

Governor Palin looks like she hadn’t totally cleaned out her own closet, before she started to try bringing out the so called skeletons in Senator Obama’s Closet! Let’s leave Sarah Palin in Alaska so she can devote more time to cleaning her Alaskan Closets Out! We can’t let this lady get any more power to abuse! Vote Obama/Biden!

Alaska Rallies Against Sarah Palin!

Alaska Rallies Against Sarah Palin! Alaskan women turn out in record numbers to reject Sarah Palin during a rally in Anchorage, Alaska. Sept. 13, 2008

What do these women and men know that the rest of America should know?