Find Out About Voter Protection in Florida!

Find Out About Voter Protection in Florida! Before going to the polls, make sure to visit to get all the information you need to vote successfully on November 4th, 2008.

Help Senator Obama to win Florida!

Early Voting in Florida Bodes Well For Obama!

Early Voting in Florida Bodes Well For Obama! Early voting in Florida has seen a record turn-out since it began on October 20. The latest polls suggest the race between Barack Obama and John McCain is too close to call in the state.

This is What Obama Needs to Do to Win the Election!

This is What Obama Needs to Do to Win the Election!

Go Obama/Biden 08!

Senator Obama Had Put Florida Into Play!

Senator Obama Had Put Florida Into Play! Both Democrats and Republicans have inundated Florida with hundreds of thousands of new voter registration applications. But many worry those votes could be thrown out. Kelly Cobiella explains why.

Let’s Not Have Any More Florida Shenanigans! An Obama victory in Florida would be a back breaker to the McCain Campaign! Let’s pray all of the fishy antics of past Florida Elections won’t rear their heads this time!

Former President Clinton Goes on the Attack for Obama in Florida!

Former President Clinton Goes on the Attack for Obama in Orlando, Florida! Former President Bill Clinton talked about the bright future that Barack Obama can help create for America.

There has been a Bill Clinton sighting in Florida, and he is for Senator Barack Obama! Obama/Biden 08!

Senator Barack Obama Speaks to Veterans!

Senator Barack Obama Speaks to Veterans! Senator Barack Obama speaks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Did You See the Anti-Obama Vandalism Attack in Orlando?

Did You See the Anti-Obama Vandalism Attack in Orlando? Can you believe how hateful some people are? I pray that the people who committed these offenses were not Hillary Clinton Supporters like they claim!