President Obama’s Speech to the Students of This Land Was Awesome!

President Obama’s Speech to the Students of This Land Was Awesome! The President gives a speech directly to Americas students welcoming them back to school. He emphasizes their hope and potential but makes clear they will need to take responsibility for themselves and their education to reach that potential.

This speech was awesome! If The Right Wing has a problem with this, then something is wrong for sure!

Where Are the Minds of Some on the Right?

Where Are the Minds of Some on the Right? A portion of an Arizona town hall audience booed when Sen. McCain said President Obama respects the constitution, but McCain kept the crowd in check and urged respect for the president.

I am proud that Senator McCain took the high road in this clip! Where are questions like this lady asks coming from? Who reads now days?

Sarah Palin Is At It Again!

Sarah Palin Is At It Again! My man, Keith Olbermann, takes her own again!

She is back to making comments that boggle the mind!

Many Town Hall Meetings are Getting Out of Hand!

Many Town Hall Meetings are Getting Out of Hand!

Some on the Right are determined to disrupt!

Robert Gibbs Gives His Take on Rush Limbaugh’s Rants!

Robert Gibbs Gives His Take on Rush Limbaugh!

The Right Is Way Way Out There!

The Right Is Way Way Out There! Rachel Maddow on President Obama and The “Deathers”!

These folks have lost it!

President Obama Delivers a Masterful Speech at The 100th NAACP Convention!

President Obama Delivers a Masterful Speech at The 100th NAACP Convention! President Barack Obama addresses the 2009 NAACP Convention in New York, New York at the 2009 Freedom Fund/Spingarn Awards.

This guy is an awesome orator!