Watch President Obama’s Weekly Address For This Memorial Day Weekend!

Watch President Obama’s Weekly Address For This Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a good weekend folks! Let’s pray for our new President!

Jesse “The Body” Ventura Powerslams Sean Hannity!

Jesse “The Body” Ventura Powerslams Sean Hannity!

I love this! Hannity is amazing!

President Obama Delivers an Awesome Commencement Speech at Notre Dame!

President Obama Delivers an Awesome Commencement Speech at Notre Dame!

In the midst of swirling controversy, our President delivered!

President Obama Receives Honorary Degree From University of Notre Dame!

President Obama Receives Honorary Degree From the University of Notre Dame!

Michelle Obama Wows With Amazing Commencement Speech!

Michelle Obama Wows With Amazing Commencement Speech at The University of California Merced!

President Obama Gives a Masterful Commencement Speech at Arizona State University!

President Obama Gives a Masterful Commencement Speech at Arizona State University!

Wanda Sykes is the Talk of the Nation!

Wanda Sykes is the Talk of the Nation! Wanda Sykes is the talk of the nation for her comments at The White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner!