Sarah Palin Is At It Again!

Sarah Palin Is At It Again! My man, Keith Olbermann, takes her own again!

She is back to making comments that boggle the mind!

President Obama Was a Closer During the 2008 Election!

President Obama Was a Closer During the 2008 Election! Barack Obama made the choice in this election starkly clear in Norfolk VA on October 28, 2008.

Then Senator Barack Obama dispelled any notions of his not being able to close the deal during the final days of the 2008 Campaign!

Allow Me This 2008 Campaign Flashback!

Allow Me This 2008 Campaign Flashback! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was very chum during this sppech where he presidected a John McCain win!

Governor you were wrong!

Ashley Judd Takes On Sarah Palin!

Ashley Judd Takes On Sarah Palin! Cenk of TheYoungTurks.Com shares this moment that will live in infamy!

Governor Palin all eyes seem to be on you!

Watch This 2008 Presidential Election Flasback!

Watch This 2008 Presidential Election Flasback! NBC News offers a retrospective of the historic 2008 race for the White House.

Sherri Shepard Sobs Over Obama Victory!

Sherri Shepard Sobs Over Obama Victory! Sherri Shepherd broke down in tears on The View while talking about Barack Obama’s victory. The mother of a young son with special needs, Sherri related to Sarah Palin and had been openly undecided. But with Obama’s victory, she broke down over the historic win of an African American.

This is a fitting start to Blogging Black.Com’s intense push this month. We will take Black History Month by storm! Blacks in America have so many reasons to be proud this month. It is actually almost surreal that we now have a Black Man living in The White House!

Sarah Palin’s Home Church is Torched!

Sarah Palin’s Home Church is Torched! Gov. Sarah Palin’s home church was badly damaged by arson, leading the governor to apologize if the fire was connected to “undeserved negative attention” from her failed campaign as the Republican vice presidential nominee.

While Governor Palin is not of our favorites, this is a despicable act whose perpetrators should be punished heavily for committing!