Keith Olbermann Takes on the McCain Campaign’s Smearing of Obama!

Keith Olbermann Asks Can You Smear Me Now? Keith Olbermann highlights the sorry practices of the Republican Ticket! Give the Republicans a rough time Mr. Olbermann!

Keith Olbermann is my man! Are the Republicans that desperate?

Does Cindy McCain’s $300,000 Outfit Make Her an Elitist?

Does Cindy McCain’s $300,000 Outfit Make Her an Elitist?

Vanity Fair Has A Great Story About Her Outfit!

Can we see why The Republican Party has such a hard time reaching the Middle Class, and they want to call Senator Obama an elitist!

Let’s Put the Spotlight on Cindy McCain!

Let’s Put the Spotlight on Cindy McCain! The guys at The Young Turks.Com are at it again. They put the spotlight on Cindy McCain!

If Michelle Obama Said Any of These Things, The Media and the Conservatives Would Be Try to Destroy Her Reputation Forever!

Did Senator John McCain Say I Really Didn’t Love America Until…?

Did Senator John McCain Say I Really Didn’t Love America Until…? Republicans have hammered Michelle Obama for her remarks in February that she was proud of America “for the first time in my adult life.” Tonight, however, Dan Abrams showed footage he uncovered of a Fox News interview with John McCain on March 13, 2008, in which McCain said, “I didn’t really love America until I was deprived of her company.”