Can Pat Buchanan Get Any More R_cist?

Can Pat Buchanan Get Any More R_cist? Pat gave some of the greatest rants of all time in this clip from The Rachel Maddow Show!

I don’t think so! This rant is ridiculous!

Are the Republicans Using Campaign Code Words?

Are the Republicans Using Campaign Code Words? During a discussion on whether the McCain Campaign should have gone more negative on Obama or not, the discussion turns to the use of campaign “code words” when Pat Buchanan calls Barack Obama “exotic” and gets called out for it by Tanya Acker.

So Exotic is What They Call Brothers Now?

Are the Republicans Running Racist Ads Against Senator Barack Obama?

Are the Republicans Running Racist Ads Against Senator Barack Obama?

Pat Buchanan Uses An Interesting Word To Describe Senator Barack Obama!

Pat Buchanan Uses An Interesting Word To Describe Senator Barack Obama! Does exotic mean black?