Is Osama on the Ballot?

Is Osama on the Ballot? Hundreds of absentee ballots sent to voters in Rensselaer County, New York identified the Democratic presidential candidate as ‘Barack Osama.’ Commissioners for the Rensselaer County Board of Elections say they regret the error.

Do you believe this nonsense? I have a problem with this being called a mistake! Vote for Barack Obama in this election! The folks that would call a blunder like this a mistake should all take racial sensitivity classes!

Are You Suffering From Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome?

Visit the website of DR. JOY DEGRUY-LEARY! She has authored a book called “”Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome – America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing“. I once read the works of Dr. Na’im Akbar who wrote about the psychological effects of slavery. Dr. Leary did a fantasic interview on the Michael Baisden Show. I am going to purchase her book and I would recommend that most African-Americans should purchase her book. Could the brothers and sisters have a new excuse when they want to call in sick at work or school? Tell the boss that I can’t make it today because I am suffering from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome! On a more serious note, I can attest that we as a people still suffer from the vestiges of slavery and many of the problems in our community are remnants of the horrible institution of slavery! This is not meant to be an attack post at all, but it is a call for all races of people to practice racial sensitivity!